Friday, March 23, 2012

A funny moment

EMP is this morning, so alarm is set early.

6 am rolls around and I'm having trouble getting out of bed.

Until... I hear the sound of violent puking.
I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom.
Noone is there.

I go back to my room. I realize it's coming for our neighbor's house. And it sounds like an older man.

So, I to Erin's room.

"Erin, do you hear that man puking?"

Erin responds, "I hear that every morning."

Turns out... He pukes (OR coughs?)... every morning.

Life on Crosby Rd. Living the dream.

1 comment:

  1. SO, I have been hearing it since the fall and have mentioned to you guys and NONE of you have heard it. NOW, I am so glad I am not the only one. I've set up the whole scenario in my head. An old grandpa is locked in our neighbor's basement, they only let him out early in the morning, but when he finally experiences fresh air he has to gag because it is so different from the stuffy basement he is usually locked in.
